
get along with

I get along well with new friends. (新しい友人と仲良く付き合っています。)
He is very difficult to get along with. (彼は非常に付き合いにくい人です。)


associate with

I have associated with my neighbors for 20 years. (ご近所さんと20年のお付き合いになります。)
You should not associate with those people. (ああいう人たちとは付き合わない方がいいですよ。)


keep company with

I have kept company with him for long time. (彼とは長い付き合いです。)
You should not keep company with those people. (ああいう人たちとは付き合わない方がいいですよ。)


mix with

I don‘t want to mix with neighbors. (近所の人たちと付き合いたくないです。)
It’s fun to mix with people from different countries. (さまざまな国の人たちと付き合うのは楽しいです。)




go with

I went shopping with my best friend yesterday. (昨日親友の買い物に付き合った。)
I went drinking with my boss last night, though I did not want to. (気が進まなかったが、昨晩上司のお酒に付き合った。)
I will go out with my bother for shopping this weekend. (週末、兄の買い物に付き合う予定だ。)


hang out

I hang out with him on weekends. (週末は彼に付き合っています。/彼と遊んでいます。)
Will you hang out with me tomorrow for shopping? (明日買い物に付き合ってもらえますか?)





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