



通常のAIはこれを「A couple of people standing next to each other(向かい合っている2人組)」と判断したのに対して、あるAIがこれを「Man jumps from floor window(窓から飛び降りる人)」と判断しました。(私には、「A couple of women with glamorous bodies(豊満な体を持つ2人組の女性)」に見えました。)




MIT Created the World’s First ‘Psychopath’ Robot and People Really Aren’t Feeling It


As if Will Smith didn’t make an entire movie warning us about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have now created the world’s first ‘psychopath’ robot.

※artificial intelligence: 人工知能(AI)




Researchers at the MIT media lab have trained an AI algorithm nicknamed “Norman”—a reference to the character of Norman Bates in Psycho—to exhibit psychopathic tendencies by exposing it exclusively to gruesome and violent content from what they say is Reddit content page that is “dedicated to document and observe the disturbing reality of death.”

※reference: 参考、参照、参考文献、言及
※exhibit: 展示する、示す
※Norman Bates: 映画「サイコ(Psycho)」やテレビドラマ「ベイツ・モーテル(Bates Motel)」の主人公である、映画史に残る殺人鬼です。
※Reddit: アメリカ最大級のネット掲示板、SNSニュースサイト




Here’s what MIT has to say about the whole thing:
We present you Norman, world’s first psychopath AI. Norman is born from the fact that the data that is used to teach a machine learning algorithm can significantly influence its behavior. So when people talk about AI algorithms being biased and unfair, the culprit is often not the algorithm itself, but the biased data that was fed to it. The same method can see very different things in an image, even sick things, if trained on the wrong (or, the right!) data set. Norman suffered from extended exposure to the darkest corners of Reddit, and represents a case study on the dangers of Artificial Intelligence gone wrong when biased data is used in machine learning algorithms.

※present: 現在の、出席している、現在、提供する
※bias: 偏向、先入観、バイアス、偏向をもたせる、偏らせる


