
The star festival, called “Tanabata”, is held on July 7th ever year in Japan.  (日本では毎年7月7日に「七夕」と呼ばれる星のお祭りが開かれます。)

There are a lot of festivals on Tanabata all over Japan. (七夕には日本のあちこちでお祭りがたくさん開催されます。)

We write wishes on a strip of paper and hang it on bamboo on Tanabata. (七夕では短冊に願いごとを書いて笹の葉に吊るします。)

When we write wishes and hang it on bamboo, it is said that they might come true.  (短冊に願いを書いて笹に飾ると、その願いがかなうといわれています。)

Tanabata is related to the legend of Vega and Altair. (七夕は織姫と彦星の伝説に関係しています。)

Vega and Altair were a couple getting along well. But they were so close that they stopped working. (織姫と彦星は仲の良い夫婦でしたが、仲が良すぎて仕事をしなくなっていましました。)

The god got angry and separated the two by The Milky Way. However, seeing them sad, the god felt sorry and allowed them to see each other once a year, only on July 7th. (怒った神様は織姫と彦星の2人を天の川を境に引き離しましたが、悲しむ2人を見て哀れに思い、1年に一度、7月7日だけ会うことを許しました。)






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